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|  Specification 6 powerlead outputs, max. 20A, with Soca 19pin output.
|  Specification 6 powerlead outputs, max. 32A, with CEE form 32A output.
|  Specification 6 powerlead outputs, max. 32A, with CEE form 32A output.
|  Specification - Backing Material: Matte-Finish Coated Cloth - Adhesive Material: Synthet⋯
|  Specification - Color : Red, Orange, Green, Black, Blue, Yellow, Natural, Mixed Color -⋯
|  Specification - Material: Nylon Strap+ Alligator Spring Clip - Length : 25 CM - Width :⋯
|  Specification Weight: 38g (1.34oz)
|  Specification 6 powerlead outputs, max. 32A
|  Specification 6 powerlead outputs, max. 16A, with CEE form 16A output.
|  Specification 6 powerlead outputs, max. 16A
|  Specification - Powerlead T1 power distro box, 4 outputs, max 16A  (compatible wi⋯
|  Specification - Powerlead power distro box, 4 outputs, max. 20A  (compatible with⋯
|  Specification
With growing demand of DMX over Ethernet, Kupo provides its first combination of XLR and Etherne⋯
|  Specification - Material: Nylon fabric - Length: 25cm (9.84") - Width: 4cm (1.57") - Wi⋯
|  Specification
|  Specification Electrical Contact resistance: ≤ 3 m Ω / Dielectric strength: 4 k⋯
|  Specification AD-5F5F Adaptor for XLR 5 pin female to 5 pin female. A⋯
|  Specification XLR5-LM-G XLR 5 pin line male, gold. XLR5-LF-G XLR 5 p⋯
|  Specification XLR3-LM-G XLR 3 pin line male, gold. XLR3-LF-G XLR 3 p⋯
|  Specification Technical Information: 1. Contact: Nickel-plated bronze; 2P+E. 2. Protect⋯
|  Specification
|  Specification
|  Specification
|  Specification
|  Specification
|  Specification
|  Specification
|  Specification Pin: 4 AMP: 30 Voltage: 125/250 NEMA: L14-30⋯
|  Specification Pin: 4 AMP: 20 Voltage: 125/250 NEMA: L14-20⋯
|  Specification Pin: 3 AMP: 30 Voltage: 250 NEMA: L6-30R ⋯
|  Specification Pin: 3 AMP: 30 Voltage: 125 NEMA: L5-30R ⋯
|  Specification Pin: 3 AMP: 20 Voltage: 250 NEMA: L16-20R ⋯
|  Specification Pin: 3 AMP: 20 Voltage: 150 NEMA: L15-20R ⋯
|  Specification Pin: 4 AMP: 30 Voltage: 250 NEMA: L15-30 ⋯
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