A Total Of 8 Items

|  Specification 20 Leaves Iris for Acclaim A: 95.6 mm B: 140 mm C: 1⋯
|  Specification 18 Leaves For S4, Shakespeare, S6 Series A: 120 mm B: 137 ⋯
|  Specification 24 Leaves For S4, Shakespeare, S3 Series, Marumo Rayer A: 120 mm⋯
|  Specification 18 Leaves For S4 junior A: 80 mm B: 110 mm C: 12.5 m⋯
|  Specification IRIS for Moving Head
|  Specification 18 Leaves For Pacific, Freedom A: 118 mm B: 153 mm C⋯
|  Specification 24 leaves for SL A: 107 mm B: 115 mm C: 14 mm ⋯
|  Specification 24 Leaves Iris Shutter (Open To Fully Close) A: 120 mm B: ⋯
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